Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Culture

Our Culture

At Raghoebarsingh Construction we do not only take pride in the quality of our work, but also in the relationships we develop during the lead time of every project. We believe in building strong long-lasting relationships based on the quality we deliver.

We are aware that building construction and operations can have extensive direct and indirect impacts on the environment. Therefore, we strive to include sustainable construction techniques that contribute to creating a healthy environment now and in the future.

As a Caribbean company we understand our local culture and circumstances because we are a part of the community. This is also a reason why we commit to giving back. Raghoebarsingh Construction creates employment, provides on-the-job training and strongly promotes education and advancement of young professionals and start-ups.

Project Mytylschool

In collaboration with Kirpalani N.V., Raghoebarsingh Construction built two new class rooms for the Mytylschool. The school offers special education for kids who are physically disabled. Up till then they could only offer elementary education, but with the construction of the two new class rooms, they are able to offer secondary education as well.

  • 2020
  • Suriname
  • People Focus
  • 2 Partners
  • Complete